Friday, February 29, 2008

Standing For Something

My angry letter is in the mail, I refuse to say nothing.

535-7th Avenue SW
Calgary AB T2P 0Y4

To Whom It May Concern:

After a long day at work my husband and I were looking forward to a quiet, relaxing night at home. We turned on the TV and were utterly shocked by what we saw.

We happened to flip past your station at 9:30 and came across a TV program named, The Girls Next Door. We did not watch for long because we were appalled at the blatant female nudity we saw. It was only 9:30 at night. That type of programming is not appropriate as any age group could be watching. We would expect such shows on a cable channel but yours is a channel easily accessible by anyone.

As taken from your website, “Each of our television stations telecasts the flavour of the community: the serious commentary, the passionate oration, the opinion, the celebrations, the unpredictability. This is the essence of CityTV's open, inclusive, accessible style of broadcasting.”

The flavour of our community is not pornography, though I will give you credit for being unpredictable.

“CityTV, owned by Rogers, is a family of television stations that strive to enrich and celebrate the communities we serve.”

In no way does this type of programming enrich our communities and I think it’s an outrage.

“With stations in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Winnipeg, CityTV is proud to be a part of your community.”

With programs such as this Calgary is not proud to have you as part or our community.


Laura Wiebe

(I realize it's not a literary masterpiece, it was quickly written but it gets the job done)

Thursday, February 28, 2008

On Single Life

So I read a similar blog post recently that made me consider my own time as a single adult. Here are the facts I came up with.

From the time I moved to Calgary until June of 2007

I’ve had 23 roommates,
24 if you include Brad
I’ve lived in 4 different houses
In 5 different wards in 2 different stakes

23 roommates is pretty impressive I think, so I thought I’d come up with a few lessons learned from them.

  • “Can I talk to you about something?” never has a good ending
  • If your roommate is engaged when she moves in don’t expect to see her... ever
  • 2 fridges make kitchen life so much more pleasant
  • If something breaks, no one will fix it
  • The garbage will be ignored for as long as possible until the person with the least willpower finally gives in and takes it out.
  • Don’t let roommates leave unwanted items behind... someone is eventually responsible for them and it will probably be you.

And the most important lesson,
Brad is easily the best roommate I’ve ever had. I think I’ll hold on to him.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Old News

I know, I haven't posted anything for ages. I just haven't felt inspired, I haven't had anything to say.

I thought I'd post an old picture and tell you a story... sometimes I look at my hair in this one and wonder why I cut and dyed it, the dark is awesome.

This picture was taken shortly after Brad and I started dating. It was Brad's birthday which is really unfair for a new girlfriend. We went to his parents house for dinner, all his family was there. It was so odd to be there as Brad's girlfriend, I'd been Lisa, Arvid, Jared and Jenny's friend but I'd never been Brad's girlfriend. I was surprised how natural it was though. We had a fun time and I've loved the family dinners ever since.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Bad Day

The morning started out all right, we slept in a little at my parents house and woke up rested and relaxed. We had an enjoyable breakfast, then we noticed the time and realized that we were now running a little late. So we sped off to Cardston to Jane and Ken's wedding, speeding a little. We would have made it too but the police officer took ages giving us our speeding ticket, so we missed our session and ended up having to kill two hours in Cardston before the wedding. Not an easy task.

We figured we'd just go to the 1:30 session instead only it turns out there is no 1:30 session so we'd have to wait until 3:30. The session didn't happen, we came home instead, we'll go back some other time.

On the bright side, Jane and Ken's wedding was so nice, such a wonderful ceremony and they looked so happy. Here are a couple pictures to commemorate the vent.

Congratulations Jane and Ken! We're so happy for you.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine's Flowers

One of the many perks of being married, guaranteed flowers on Valentine's Day, lucky me!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Jane-Almus Day - An Anniversary

Sadly, no celebration was planned this year but I wanted to make sure that the day was recognized, if only by a blog post. I hope you eat Lasagna and think of last year.

Funny how much things change in a year isn’t it?

Thoughts from the weekend
Crying over salad... seriously? How old are you?
I’m so glad that’s done!
The carrots were cooked!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

You probably didn’t know – Your turn (From This Fish – Jan 23)

  1. I get the hiccups more often than the average person
  2. I get really chatty in bed at night after the lights are turned off
  3. I write lists for almost everything I do, there are three on my desk right now
  4. I love brussel sprouts and think vanilla ice cream is a topping, not to be eaten on its own

Monday, February 4, 2008

Overheard at the Dinner Table

A little back story.

  1. Brad and I are pretty good at taking our lunch to work, 90% of the time we take leftovers from the previous nights dinner. I usually cook but occasionally Brad doesn’t work as late so he’ll make our dinner.
  2. Brad works at our bank so he does most of our banking, he also checks our account fairly often and knows what’s going on there.

Brad - "The handy thing with working at our bank, I can tell if you liked the dinner I cooked last night. How was your Ginger Beef?"

Me - "Oh crap! I was hoping you wouldn’t check. I meant to pay with cash but I left it at my desk."

Brad- "That’s okay, I went to Subway."

No more Pizza by the Yard for us :)