Monday, December 22, 2008

Let Me Tell You...

This new place is so great, here are the highlights.
  1. The bedrooom is big enough that we can finally bring over the pretty bench that we got as a wedding present
  2. The living room is big enough that we have the option of using my old coffee table again
  3. There are two bedrooms
  4. The bathroom fan doesn't make a sound that makes you want to pull your ears off
  5. There is a real front entrance, a non carpeted front entrance
  6. The carpet is a nice, normal grey colour, not green shag.
  7. A Full size fridge and stove
  8. Two SINKS!!
  9. Two bedrooms
  10. More cupboard space that I had at first though
  11. We've already met 2 of our 3 neighbors
  12. It's rigtht across the street from a Dollar Store, Little Ceaser's, Subway, M&M Meat Shops and a Drug store so when I'm at home without a car I can still go somewhere
  13. Moving in is a breeze, there aren't 3 flights of stairs to climb
  14. We only have to share the laundry room with 3 other people
  15. We have heat, real heat!
  16. There are big windows to let in lots of light

I'll take pictures eventually but we are so blessed to have gotten this suite, someone is looking out for us.


Amanda said...

WoooHooo! So Exciting! What a relief!