Saturday, October 31, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

Catie Cat

I hate Halloween. It’s my least favorite of all Holidays.

Every year it’s the same dilemma, what do you wear for a stupid costume. Unless you’re willing to spend a bunch of money or spend a lot of time scrounging for something decent you end up with some crappy costume that you’re forced to wear to a party you’re not really all that interested in.

This year might be just a little bit different. Have you ever seen a cuter little cat? I’m certain I haven’t so here’s another photo to help you enjoy my Catie Cat.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

An Actual Post

Okay I realize I'm taking a chance here, this is going to be controversial at at least one of you will emphatically disagree but I'm bringing it up anyway because I just don't get it.

The buzz has been surprising, the publicity it's gotten right from the start helped with the jump start I'm sure but I just don't get it. There's this show on tv and everyone is raving about and I know at least 3 friends that proclaim it their favorite of all time and I've watched it feeling I was missing out if I didn't, feeling that it would somehow enrich my life but it's just beyond me. I don't understand why everyone loves Glee so much. I think the story lines are unbelievable, I don't get the cheer leading coach at all and as lovely as the music is do they have to lipsink so badly? The characters are trying to be quirky but instead I think they're just unbelievable, I mean that wedding dress, seriously?

I do have this problem with following a crowd and perhaps that's where this is coming from but I don't get the show.

Participation Please

I realize since I nearly never post here I can expect participation to be down but I loved this, play along if you like and thanks Denise for the idea.

1. If Laura was a gem, she would be_____________.

2. If Laura was a type of shoe, she would be_________________.

3. If Laura was a fairy tale character, she would be________________.

4. If Laura was a season of the year, she would be________________.

5. If Laura was a fashion accessory, she would be________________.

6. If Laura was a type of gum, she would be__________________.

7. If Laura was a day of the week, she would be__________________.

8. If Laura was a flower, she would be______________________.

9. If Laura was a fruit, she would be_____________________.

10. If Laura was a colour, she would be______________________.

This weekend we have an exciting evening planned of Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, perhaps it will lead to exciting blog stories.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sundays are Hard

I know Catie isn't very old yet but it's frustrating how one day can throw off the whole routine. We're really careful about making sure that Catie eats, plays until she's tired and then sleeps and we repeat the sequence every three hours.

Sundays pose a problem. She gets held for 3 hours straight and then yesterday we went straight to Magrath where she continued to be held. She doesn't sleep soundly and doesn't get the right awake time, she also snack eats at random times. The end result is that when we're home and ready for bed she's sure she needs to be held or fed to sleep which we're strongly against. And then when we give in and rock her to sleep she sleeps for 10 minutes, wakes up and realizes she's alone and doesn't like it.

It makes for an awful, frustrating evening.
Sundays are hard.

Friday, October 16, 2009


It seems that every day brings something new for Catie. Today she seems to have figured out that there's a tongue in her mouth and she's trying to figure out what it's good for. Yesterday her fist found her mouth and when she's hungry she sucks on it, it's really cute.

She also made the greatest cooing noises at me the other day, I love being there for all of her discoveries.

What a journey this motherhood thing is...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bear Bum

The fashion show continues... This set also comes with a pink onsie that says Daddy Loves Me with brown trim. Very cute with the polka dot pants.

The back is the cutest part.

This photo is just a bonus to show how cute and curly her hair is. I think she looks a little goofy here in such a cute way.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's a Fashion Show

This weekend my Mother and Sister-in-Law threw Catie a baby shower and we had a great time. It was fun to see friends I hadn't seen in a while and she was given some really cute clothes. She's going to be the best dressed girl around, over the next little while I thought I'd show off just how cute she is with some photos.

Here's the first, cute pink stripy pants with a adorable shirt. Underneath the elephant it says ... Off to Play Hopscotch. The bow adds the perfect final touch.

This last photo doesn't show her cute outfit at all but how can you resist that perfect girl?


Different families bring different traditions so this year at Granny and Grandpa's I had the strangest Thanksgiving dinner I've ever eaten.

Asian (Ichiban) salad, green beans, asparagus, broccoli, funeral potatoes and ham. I could have had the traditional turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and stuffing but the other stuff looked so exciting. I was pleased with my choice at the time but now I'm seriously craving some turkey and potatoes.

This year I'm feeling especially thankful for our little Catie Mae and for the amazing family we're surrounded by. Thankful for all the time we can spend playing games together and the baby free shopping trip the girls took this weekend. Thankful for Brad and how willingly he gets up with Catie on the weekend to let me sleep. Grateful for Lethbridge and our lovely home (minus the construction in the basement) and all the friends we've reconnected with down here.

Looking forward to what the near future holds and can't wait to spend more time with family and friends.

Wrong Side of the Bed

So I have this baby, and she's beautiful and lovely and sleeps like a dream.

Until the jerks downstairs start sawing, hammering, pounding, stomping down the stairs and talking loudly.

I'm not impressed.