Tuesday, January 2, 2007


It's official, New Yea'rs Party 2006 was successful!! My Mom had this brilliant idea that I should use mini lights around the house so shesent a ton home with me. Fantastic roommate Janine and I hung mini lights all around the ceiling in the living room / dining room upstairs. We put lights on the baseboard of the wall that leads to the basement, went around the kitchen door, down the stairs and had lights all around the ceiling and the baseboards downstairs too. It looked fantastic! We had icicle lights hanging in front of the window upstairs. There was food and music downstairs as well as up. I forgot to count but I think at midnight we probably had 40 ish people here? I bought noisemakers, those things you blow that unroll (you know what I mean?) and sparklers to light after midnight.Someone brilliant took the liberty of finding a New Year's countdown on line so we could all watch my laptop. Auld Lang Syne played in the background as we lit our sparklers and hugged and wished each other a great New Years... it was pretty magical really :) I finallymade it to bed around 5 am.The next morning was a standard New Year's day... breakfast (with the neighbors) and lots and lots of lounging. A relaxed trip to the mall and a super satisfying nap rounded out the day.

I expected this year to be a bit of a let down, last year I was in London standing by the river Thames watching some of the best fireworks I've ever seen. Sat on plastic wrapped newspaper provided by super thoughful British Men and ate British candy to keep us warm. I held the hand of a British Boy (and we know how I feel about hand holding ;) and shoved through some of the biggest crowds I've ever seen. Got slightly stalked by a super creep on a double decker bus, watched as men from the same bus bounced a parked car out of the way so the bus could make the tight turn. Tried to find a bathroom while everything was closed and froze in the coldest winter in London in years. Of course I would take the cold with me :)

This year somehow managed to stand up next to all that though. I hosted a succesful party where everyone seemed happy. Had an extremely loud countdown. Got nuzzled on the neck and the offer of a kiss. The crowd cheered my name and I blushed. The house looked fantastic, I managed to clear up all three of my dramas so I started the New Years drama free, friends on with all. I got to spend this year with all of my friends. I got to kiss (on the cheek) at midnight and basked in the glow of the ambiance of my mini light lit house.

Not a bad way to start the year
Thanks for helping
Happy New Year to all

1 comment:

  1. hey sis,
    sounds like a great party. I think this was my best new years as well. I always end up working untill 1:30 or 2, and this year was no different. But this year, lucy was in the restaraunt. I managed to get out of the kitchen and share the countdown and a new years kiss with her. This is the first new years I can remember spending with someone since school.
    Hope you have a great year and I love you and miss you,
    Also, I know you love to cook so I'm sending you a link to a really great cookbook. It's in french, so you may have to get someone to help you translate, but it will save you about $220 USD.


    - Chefwest
