Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Humour in a Box

Getting married changes things. Small things that you don't think about until a specific situation arises. Take for example, New Years Eve.

As a young single adult you can generally expect to go to some IRC dance or some big party thrown by friends of friends, the options are there for you. You'll stay out ridiculously late and if you're me a trip to Denny's will probably be in there somewhere, either early in the morning before bed or very late in the morning after you've woken.

New Years as a married couple is completely different. Now you're not really interested in the IRC stuff and your friends that throw parties want to be in bed before midnight. I was starting to be concerned that we'd end up sitting at home celebrating just the two of us when my sister-in-law Lisa invited us to her house. There were five couples in total and we had a great time. There was ridiculous amounts of food and lots of catching up with each other (I hadn't seen Mark and Kim for a long time).

Eventually we settled onto the couches and played a great game of Things...

Quick run down, A card is drawn that says something like, "Things you shouldn't do at a funeral". Everyone writes down their answer, they get gathered and read and you have to guess who said what. Once you've been guessed you're out for the round. I've played that game a bunch but we've never kept score and it turns out it makes it even better. The big surprise came at the end of the game when we tallied up and... I won! I'm fairly obsessed with the fact that I won.

Anyway, the night included, as any good New Year's party should, a countdown with sparklers followed by really off key singing of Auld Lang Syne. The Guitar Hero was a nice addition too.

I hope everyone had a great New Year's and 2008 has started out on a good note.

Stay tuned for the long awaited, 1st annual, year in review, Highlights of 2007!

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