Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A List of Sorts

Not the most interesting post but it will have to do for today.
Hopefully you'll learn something new you didn't know about me.

I am: happy
I know: lots about Microsoft Office programs. If you need help I probably know the answer (unless it's about Pivot Tables or Macros)
I want: a Crave Cupcake
I wish: we were ready to own a house
I hate: the green shag carpet in our apartment
I miss: Janine! and Chris and Irena and Dave and my family
I fear: that Brad won't get into UofC
I feel: lighter than I was a week ago
I hear: typing, all around me people are typing, and Steven is talking on the phone
I smell: office air, it doesn't really have a scent
I crave: dessert… cutting it all out for two weeks has been hard.
I search: for new blogs, ideally by people I know
I wonder: what my children will be like
I love: reading and should make time to do it more often
I ache: for my more time with my family and to see my newest nephew
I care: about how I make others feel
I always: put chocolate chips on my pancakes
I am not: always as nice as I should be
I dance: when I'm alone
I sing: in the car
I cry: often, it doesn't take much
I don't always: try as hard as I could
I write: on my blog and that's about it
I win: Carcassonne, especially when I play against Brad
I lose: Whenever I play a game with my brother Rob, though Carcassonne might be an exception
I never: take out the garbage, that's Brad's job
I listen: to music all the time. I'm always looking for a new artist I'll love
I can usually be found: in the kitchen
I need: family and friends around me
I am scared: I'll be forgettable
I am happy about: the end of Phase I on Sunday
I think: our week at the lake can't come soon enough


  1. I am: certain I'll never forget you.
    I think: you should dance for me sometime.
    I fear: our Aug 9th departure to the lake will never come.

    I liked your post.
