Monday, January 19, 2009

Green Mist

I finally did it. I've had this same green purse for the last 3 years and it was the perfect size and nice and plain, no buckles or rhinestones; just cute green with black trim and I loved it. Sadly, nothing lasts forever and after 3 years it was in pretty rough shape. The straps were no longer green as the covering had all peeled off and it was just the threads underneath, the corners all had holes and it was dirty. I've been looking for something new for quite some time but everything in style right now has the aforementioned buckles and rhinestones so I continued with my sad worn out bag.

A couple months I actually found one that I liked but the $53 price tag was a bit much for me so I dismissed it, bought a cute wallet instead and kept on with the threadbare version.

Then as a pleasant surprise we found out that Brad gets a bonus from work. We decided to be both fun and practical with it. Brad got some iPod speakers and I decided I would splurge and buy the much needed purse. It's slightly larger than the previous model and has really handy inside pockets and is green (which I loved). It's been a great purchase, there's just been one downside that I discovered this morning.

This inside of the purse is covered in this green, fuzzy, almost plasticky material. This morning I pulled my Palm out to add to my calendar and noticed that it had this slight green film on it, apparently the green fuzz is wearing off, and coating the contents of the purse. Hopefully this is a temporary affliction.

This picture is the best I could find, my purse is the same only a lime green with red and white flowers. You should check out the website, they have really cute products.


  1. Hey Laura..thanks for setting up the directory for me. I used it before but it looks so nice now with four blogs I follow. And by the way, for anyone that reads comments...Jenn and Milissa... the kooky weird is because a computor can't read the word so only real people and not some other computor can read it. Smart hey? that what Rob told me. Love you all

  2. A purse is a very important accessory to an outfit. I am proud of you for finding one that you love. Good luck with the lining though. It should wear out soon. I am following your blog now! I will try to make mine more interesting. I love Jen's!!!
