Monday, January 12, 2009

Luck or Strategy

If you know me you know that I love board games or card games and I get addicted really easily. I'll play a new game with friends once and that's it, I'm hooked and must own the game so I can feed my addiction.

I made a discovery this weekend, there is no game I hate more than Sequence. Yet I can't stop thinking about it and wanting to play all the time.

I don't understand how we lost so badly every time, it's a game of mostly chance! Yet somehow Brad and I are really terrible at it and Jane and Ken are awesome. Out of the 4 games I forced us to play we managed to win once, the other 3 we lost pathetically, we weren't even close. It infuriates me to not understand how to be better, how to win more often.

I'll accept tips if you have any.

1 comment:

  1. Try playing with a 7-year old. You'll win every time since he forgets to pick up a card and ends up playing with only one. But you will hate the game even more because he has to get a drink, go to the bathroom, etc., etc., until you refuse to play the stupid game ever again, with anyone. Now we stick with Candy Land and Hungry Hungry Hippos.
