Tuesday, March 24, 2009

14 Weeks and Our Own Personal Doppler

At our last doctor's appointment we tried to hear our dinosaur's heartbeat but instead all we ended up hearing was mine. The doctor warned that it still might be too early at our next appointment so I didn't ever get my hopes up. I expected it to be difficult to find if he was able at all but as soon as he put the Doppler on my stomach Brad stood and came closer so he could better hear the fast little horse galloping inside me. It was such an unexpected, lovely sound and a perfect start to our day.

Our doctor happened to mention that you can buy your own Doppler's these days. Out of curiosity I looked it up and you can buy them for as little as $50, so in a short three weeks we can expect our very own Doppler to show up in the mail… I’M KIDDING! No Doppler was purchased nor will be. Who needs that? Though I'll admit a recording would be fun.


  1. Oh, you're funny! I was thinking, wow, my sister is one of THOSE pregnant women?!

  2. You fooled me too and I was thinking the same thing Jenn was.

    The heartbeat is so fun to hear but wait until your 20 week (ish) ultrasound...that is so amazing.

  3. Shut up! I was so excited because I could borrow it and not have to be THAT pregnant girl because you were THAT pregnant girl! Hahaha! Oh well! (I'm not gonna lie though, there were times I wished I had one.)

  4. I used my dad's a couple times when we were down there. If you really want to you could probably call him up sometime to borrow it. Actually, he might have given it to Jana when she was in nursing school but she's down there too.

  5. The heart beat is great! i wanted to get my own doppler too, but never did. I knew I would drive myself crazy. I would have it hooked up all day with a speaker so I could hear it loud and clear. I had a few friends lose their babies at different stages for no reason, and I knew that if i could hear the heart, all was well. The appointment were so few and far between at the beginning. Before you know it, they are right on top of eachother and you can count the days left of your freedom.
