Thursday, May 7, 2009

Baking Discovery

I'm so proud and willing to tell everyone…

I would never have even thought about making them, who does? But I came across an article with a recipe for making your own bagels. It sounded fun to try so I whipped up a batch; and they were so amazing I made a second batch the next day.

I just discovered that pretty much nothing beats a fresh bagel still warm from the oven and proceeded to eat three from that first batch. My second batch was even just about as lovely as the picture below.

I'm posting a link to the recipe so you too can make your very own homemade bagels.


  1. K I want to try them but I'm sure I'm just setting myself up for disappointment cause they'll never turn out like yours. Once I've made them will you come make a sandwich for me?! ;)

  2. They really were not that hard so I'm sure they'd turn out great but surprisingly they made sort of impossible to eat sandwiches... I think they weren't quite big enough to hold all the toppings. I promise to make you bagel sandwiches for lunch one day in September.

    I want to try homemade pretzels next, the process is really similar.

  3. So did you actually use the barley malt or did you just substitute sugar?

  4. Oooh I've done homemade pretzels and that's tons of fun. I even made a bunch of different dips for them, like when you get them in the mall.

  5. I definitely didn't buy Barley Malt, I just used sugar :)
