Friday, August 14, 2009

Last Day

Remember the count down chain?

Turns out it was very successful and now this is all that's left. That's right, today is my last day. My very last blog posted from work. It's a strange thing, leaving a job you've been at for 4 years, even stranger still knowing I’m not going on to a new job.

Here are a few things I won't necessarily miss about office life but they are things I've become accustomed to. I'll no longer:
  1. Carry a key card to gain entry to a professional building
  2. Regularly ride an elevator (this includes being annoyed when we stop on every floor and being unimpressed by the person who just put out their cigarette)
  3. Wear business casual attire
  4. Be excited for casual Friday
  5. Ride a city bus
  6. Stop by Starbucks / Tim Hortons to buy a yummy treat to pass the time
  7. Be accessible through Google talk 8 hours of every day
  8. Share awkward Betty stories
I think part of me will miss the structure of a work day but it's a really small part, the majority of me is just ridiculously excited to be finished!

Our internet doesn't get hooked up for a week so you can expect some on-line silence for a little while, wish us luck in the final leg of the move, Lethbridge here we come!


  1. Yeah! enjoy mat leave...and Lethbridge! I want to come meet your baby sometime. We go down there pretty often.

  2. Congrats! You're going to love the next step in life much more that you'll forget about all those work things before no time! Good luck with the official move - when is it happening? Good luck with the pending birth and school and all the changes you have coming up!
