Monday, November 9, 2009

Blessing Day

Years and year ago, at least 12, my Grandma O'Reilly made me the cutest little sweater and hat for a baby I would have some day in the future.

I always figured that on blessing day I would pull them out and she would wear them to the church. My Grandma passed away a long time ago so it meant a lot for me to have this cute sweater set. Yesterday being the special day I pulled out the sweater and put them on Catie and she looked like the most adorable goofy girl!

I loved having that little memory of my Grandma, take a look and see what you think.


  1. Cute girl. Silly hat. I realized I haven't gotten to use my baby sweater from Grandma yet, and maybe I never will. That's kind of sad. Oh well, it's still an heirloom, right? Surely I'll have a granddaughter someday.

  2. I put the hat and sweater on, took pictures and then took it off because I agree that it's silly. So cute though :)

  3. I think the hat is on backwards...
