Thursday, November 12, 2009

So Sorry

The dreaded day finally came, immunization day.

I know it's a controversial topic but I strongly believe in immunizations. I think they're important for babies health and I fully support them so today I headed over to the health unit with Catie in tow.

Despite my beliefs that this is a necessary step in development it sure was hard! I held my Catie tightly against me, bracing her for what was to come. My poor little girl looked up at me with such surprise on her face right before she started to cry in earnest that it brought tears to my own eyes. It doesn't seem right to hold her down and allow someone to hurt her and I wish there was another way. She's a tough girl though and she did really well only crying for 5 minutes or so before she settled. We'll see how the next day or so go.

As hard as it was, her four month shots are already scheduled though I'm not looking forward to the cries of pain and sad, sad whimpers.

1 comment:

  1. I cried when I got Shelbie's first set of shots done. Unfortunately, it doesn't get much easier. Though once they hit 12mos, I started packing them a special treat that they never get and give it to them right after!! Not much can be done for the littler ones though, just momma's hugs!! :)
