Tuesday, March 30, 2010

GroceryBag Holder

On more than one occasion as I look under my sink and see a ridiculous amount of plastic bags stuffed everywhere I've thought, "I wish Renee would make me a plastic bag holder."  I then sigh, close the cupboard and continue on what I was doing.

We use grocery bags to dispose of all of Catie's presents so they get used frequently.  A handful will get taken from the mess under the sink and moved to a mess under her change table.  I finally occurred to me that I am fully capable of making my own plastic bag holder.

I didn't want to come up with my own pattern so I Googled it and discovered that not only are there lots of patters but there happens to be one on my favorite blog, Make It and Love It.  I pieced together some scraps and came up with this beauty that's going to look adorable in Catie's room.


  1. You are a crazy crafty machine. I love how you always say you just "whipped one up!"
