Monday, March 29, 2010


My favorite craft buddy called me up the other day and asked if I had seen what Sharon did with her lamp.  I'd seen it and been super impressed but hadn't thought any further than that.  Michelle however was more inspired that I was and wanted to re-do her own lamp and did I want to do it with her?

Before I go any further let me show you the lamp that sits in Catie's room.

It's an important lamp, it has a super dim bulb so anytime we go to get her from her nap or if it's late at night we can turn on the light and it's not blinding, it's a gradual pleasant glow.  Very effective just so very ugly, and old.  This lamp is becoming a family heirloom it's so old.

The poor shade has seen better days.  When we moved I stacked all of our lamp shades together and put this one on top.  Then we carefully loaded our U-haul and off we went never giving a second thought to the fact that we didn't tie anything down... oops.  Luckily this shade took the beating and did a wonderful job of protecting all of my much nicer shades.

A quick stop at Value Village and $1.99 later and I was the owner of a new, and very lovely burgundy shade.

I tore off the burgundy, followed Michelle and Sharon's helpful tips and covered it with fabric.  I added the ruffle at the bottom, my favorite bias tape to the top and joined the spray paint bandwagon.  I'm so pleased with how it turned out.  The more I look at it the happier I am with the results.

Michelle's is super cute too, you can see her results here.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't seen this post before!! I love what you did with your lamp!! Don't ya just love what a little spray paint and fabric can do?
