Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I'm not typically the type of person that finds really good sales.  I think we all know that one person that manages to find the best deals but that sure isn't me.  I never want to take the time to hunt for the good stuff but somehow this weekend was an exception.

We went shopping and among out great finds was a .47 cent shirt for me, a $4.95 sweater for Brad and multiple items for Catie, the most expensive being $7.99.

One of the finds for Catie did include some jeans that I later discovered had a broken button closure.  Since I'm pretty sure I can do anything crafty these days I pulled out a hammer and some extra pieces that had come with some other jeans and I know have some cheap, fixed jeans.
(Pardon the poor picture)

It feels great to be the sales finder for once.

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