Monday, June 21, 2010

Wrapping Paper Re-do

Being in a fairly tight financial situation there are some items that I'm just to cheap to buy.  One of them being event specific wrapping paper.  I buy some packs of wrapping paper at Christmas time to meet those needs and then I don't buy any until the next Christmas but there are a lot of events in a year.  Like Birthdays and Father's Day.   I just don't like spending money on the paper and I don't like storing it (my under the bed storage can only hold so much).  To get around my cheap-ness I take the Christmas paper, turn it inside out and wrap.  I'm not suggesting this as an idea for anyone as it doesn't look very good and as soon as you rip the paper you can see the Christmas print but I figure it just gets torn off and thrown out anyway.  For Father's Day I spiced it up with a little help from Catie.  It's a vast improvement from the regular but still pretty bad.  The hand was obviously more successful than the foot.

1 comment:

  1. Both the hand- and the foot- prints made the wrapping so personal. Perfect for Fathers' Day!
