Thursday, July 29, 2010

Projects on Hold

I know there hasn't been much going on here except for necklaces, I'm sure those are getting boring but my sewing machine is in for servicing (not broken, I had a coupon for free maintenance) so the three projects that use it are on hold.  I'm also working on 3 BIG (for me) projects.  They are all a lot of work and a lot of time without a lot of blog posts.  One of them involves the door (finally), and one of them involves paint that I ran out of and am having a hard time finding more of, they all seem to involve endless amounts of priming.  A trip to Calgary this weekend should fix the paint problem and get the door really started.  Hopefully I'll have some real results and some really exciting posts to share with you next week.  Until then you can probably expect some more boring necklaces, it's really the only craft I can do at night now.

If your anything like me you never tire of a new Catie picture so here you go.

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