Thursday, September 9, 2010

Quilled Monogram

Thanks so much for featuring my monogram!
All Thingz Related

It only took one look at this and I knew I wanted to make my own.  I have this little wall in my living room that I keep trying to hang something on but I never like it, this idea was the perfect solution.

I didn't make a tutorial for this because Craftastical's is good, she'll tell you what you need to know.

Really the only change I made was framing it.  She used a regular frame and left the glass out but I love the look of glass so I went to my favorite place for frames, Liquidation World and found this one for $8.88.  It was a little banged up so they gave me 10% off (on $8, yippee).  The picture doesn't show very well but it's nice and deep.

The words were vinyl written directly on the glass so I used a razor blade to scrape eveything off (it wasn't as bad as it sounds).  To keep the ugly flowery thing pressed up against the glass they'd inserted some really stiff cardboard strips and glued them to the side, I pulled those off but saved them for re-assembly.  Once it was all cleaned up I re-glued my cardboard strips in place and then cut brown pieces of paper to cover them so when you look at my W you can't see the cardboard.  I then inserted the W, replaced the back of the frame and closed it up.

I'm so pleased with it that when Michelle saw it and wanted one I jumped at the chance to make another.  I've already started the F so watch for it next week sometime.  Anyone else want one?

Here's the wall it hangs on.

And one more close up


  1. How funny--I JUST saw this not 2 minutes ago on Craftastical and thought how neat it was--only to check your blog and see your awesome version!!! It looks so great--but really hard to make. I am SUPER impressed!!

  2. So cool! Was it hard? I want one, but I know I'll only make it if it's easy and cheap.

  3. Not hard but time consuming. I had mist of the paper already and I had the mod podge so I pretty much just paid for the frame.
    I used tweezers to help twist and get things where I wanted them to be. I twisted paper around a needle, a toothpick and a pen to get the sizes I wanted.
    I found the whole process really enjoyable.

  4. So nice! I quill too, and love to see projects other people do with it. This one's a winner and great job with the framing too.

    By the way, if anyone wants to learn to quill, there's a giveaway for three just-released quilling books going on now on my blog through Monday, 9/13.

  5. I love it. I must try and make one.

  6. This is so beautiful!! You did a great job! I wish I had a piece of wall to hang one!
