Friday, October 15, 2010

Halloween Scrooge

I openly admit it, I'm a Halloween Scrooge, specifically when it comes to decorating.  I decorate minimally for Christmas and that's the only season I decorate for.  I suppose part of that comes from always living in rental units with limited storage but it's not something I plan on changing any time soon.

The problem though is this, I read a whole lot of blogs and I can't even begin to estimate how many Halloween projects I've seen.  They're very cute but I have no use for them and I'll be so happy when this holiday is over so I don't have to look at another craft project involving ghosts, spiders, skeletons or pumpkins for another year.  Also I feel I have no place calling myself a crafty blogger since I don't have a fireplace mantel to decorate, that seems to be required.

(I am quite concerned that once Halloween is over the Christmas projects will start and I'll be just as sick of them)

Please forgive my Halloween rant.


  1. Oh my heck! This is hilarious!! I was honestly thinking about writing an identical post! I had it all figured out in my mind and it is seriously identical--word for word!! I couldn't agree more!! I can't wait till blog land gets back to normal--Holiday Season Free!!!. Ba-Humbug!! :o)

  2. This won't surprise you but I feel EXACTLY the same way!

  3. I'm right there with you! My only Fall decor is a glittery wreath of leaves and I haven't even put it out yet. Halloween doesn't excited me at all.
