Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What Catie Wore Wednesday #15

Turned out I missed showing what Catie wore.  I thought it would just be a relief not to have to take all the photos but I felt like she had these cute outfits that no one else ever got to see.  I've decided to start again though I had a hard time getting back into the swing of things and so I missed a bunch of days, especially towards the end of the week.  I'll get better.

Also, it was really cold and snowy so we didn't go outside most days, that means she's shoe less in almost every picture.

Brown Shirt - Anabanana (it has a cute pink tank that goes over top but it doesn't fit yet)
Jeans - Old Navy


Shirt and Pants - Children's Place

Lone sleeve white onesie - Carters
Grey Sweater - H&M
Skinny Jeans - Children's Place
Yeti Boots - Old Navy

I'm pretty sure these are the cutest boots I've ever seen so here's a close up

She LOVES them.  She carries them over to me on the couch and wants me to put them on her.

Blue Shirt with Cherry applique - Superstore
Jeans - Old Navy

Linking up to

the pleated poppy blog


  1. Bryn has the plaid (Thursday) pants. Sadly, she's grown out of them.

    I love the boots!

  2. What a cutie! I love the idea of doing a "what my toddler wore" because well frankly, my t-shirt and jeans signature look isn't very exciting even for me!

  3. ahh, so cute! i love her little cardigan, jeans and boots outfit. A lot of days I think I fuss more about what my son (16 mo) wears that what I wear, haha.
