Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jeans to Capris

I picked up these jeans for Catie a while ago and I'm pretty sure they were defective.  The size was 18 to 24 months but they were ate least 2 inches shorter than her other pants of the same size.  

It turned out to be for the best because there was a while when these were the only jeans that were a good length on her but while the waist is still fine it didn't take long for them to be too short.  I loved the style of the pockets on them so I couldn't bear to get rid of them and she's in need of shorts/capris.  She's a busy girl and I see lots of knee scraping in her summer so I thought capris would be a better choice.

I used another pair of capris that fit her to determine the length I wanted them to be.

I then used this awesome tutorial from Crap I've Made to hem them.  They look so good that unless you look close you can't even tell they've been hemmed.

She looks super cute in them and they're perfect for summer.


  1. Wow, great job! That looks pretty professional. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment about my chair!
