Saturday, May 14, 2011

What Catie Wore Wednesday #33

I had every intention of posting a full week of photos and posting them on time but then we were away from home so things slipped away from me.  Also the full week of photos turned into two days, oops.

Normally when I take Catie's photo I snap a bunch and end up with one or two that are okay but this day was an exception, I took three photos and loved them all so I'm showing them all to you.
Hair Clip - Dollar Store
Sweater - Annabanana
Dress - Eddie Bauer
Brown Capris - Joe
Sparkly Shoes - Target

It was a semi nice day so we played outside in the morning.
Catie doesn't have a spring coat so I was grateful when Grandma had this cute froggy one sitting around.  Not sure where it's from.
Jeans - Old Navy
Pink Tennis Shoes - Ga


  1. I love the third picture on the first day - what an awesome expression on her face!

  2. thanks for the sweet comment on my hand cut map art :) your little girl is ADORABLE!! so cute in her little outfits :)

