Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What Catie Wore Wednesday #53

This picture wasn't actually taken this week but I kept forgetting to post it.  I've mentioned before that Catie and I drink a smoothie for breakfast every morning.  I give her a glass to herself with the rest of her breakfast but most of the time she ends up like this.

Remember this sweater?  She wore it last winter and it's been pulled out again this fall.  I thought I'd give you a side by side of then and now.

We went to a park today and they had this fun saucer swing.

We went to play at Gwen's house the other day and they don't have any grass yet so they have a yard full of dirt, Gwen and Catie enjoyed it a lot.

Then they played with sidewalk chalk and needed a bath.

I had to take squares to a church event and I figured I'd have Catie help me.  All was going well until a little mishap with the mixer.  Brad and I were left unscathed but Catie got the worst of it.  She was really surprised and really unhappy and it took quite a while to clean her up and calm her down.

Playing in the yard with cousins.

She has a serious thing for rocks

Again today, playing in the yard.


  1. Where's the park with the saucer swing? We saw one in Chilliwack, but I've never seen one here.

  2. I love the one where they look like the 3 musketteers with shovels (and or a rock in Catie's case).

  3. These are great collection..These all pics is looking very nice..and this is very cute baby..doral real estate

  4. Catie the Cutie!!
    Enjoyed your posts!
    Thanks for sharing!
