Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What Catie Wore Wednesday #60

Every once in a while I think of a fun activity for Catie and this one was a real winner.  I gave her a little bit of rice and a bunch of different containers and some measuring spoons to pour and scoop.  It was really messy but so much fun that it occupied her for at least 45 minutes.

I think this was right before bedtime.

This picture doesn't do the dress justice.  My sister-in-law made 5 dresses for all the girl cousins and 4 matching vests for the boy cousins.  They all wore their outfits to a Christmas Party, they made such a cute, easy to find group.

We recently took a trip to Ikea and Catie was thrilled with the beds to climb on.

She also loved this cute little chair.

Playing with Daddy.  He pretended to sleep so she could say "boo" and wake him up.

And to finish it off, one crummy but cute iPhone photo.

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