Monday, August 20, 2012

Big Sister Catie

Allright, let's talk about the introduction of this sweet baby to her big sister.

We were really worried about how Catie was going to accept a sister, she loves babies but she also is very jealous whenever Brad or I try to hold other babies.  She immediately climbs up on our laps with the offending new baby.

We did our best to prepare her by talking about baby Eden a lot.  She came to all my doctor's appointments and heard her heartbeat over and over again.  We set up the crib and talked about how it was where Eden would sleep.  We pointed out babies and how one day Eden would come out of Mommy's tummy and we'd have a real baby in the house.

Like I mentioned we had Catie pick out a toy for Eden and I bought and wrapped a toy to give to Catie from her sister.

The day of my labour came and my Mother-in-law watched Catie for us while we were at the hospital.  The day was long so we didn't bring Catie to meet Eden until the next day and things could not have gone any better.  Catie came in to the hospital room and gave me a great big hug and she saw her new baby sister.  We had them exchange gifts and then Catie climbed up beside me to hold her sister (Eden gave Catie that cute little Tinker Bell that she adores)

Here she is checking out Eden's cute toes.

From the moment she saw her Catie has loved her little sister.  They came to get me at the hospital and she immediately put up her arms to hold Eden.

When Eden cries Catie calls out, "I toming! I toming!" and brings her toys or anything she can think of to help her be happy.  She cries if we don't let her say goodnight to baby E-en (as she pronounces it) and she asks where she is as soon as she wakes up.  If I'm feeding Eden, Catie is more than content to wait until I'm finished before I get her what she needs.  She brings me bottles and has been more helpful than I could have hoped.  When other's show interest in Eden, Catie is right there making sure everyone knows who this baby belongs to.  She often looks at her sister and exclaims, "she's so little!".

The amount of times she lets her cuddle with Mr. Brown is amazing to me and I couldn't be more proud of my big girl.  I look forward to watching their relationship develop more and more as they grow older.


  1. That is awesome! My parents tried the toy trick with me, but I was nearly 7 when my brother was born and I saw through the charade. I gladly took the offered Barbie though. I'm no fool. ;-)

  2. That is great news! I hope it continues :) Sisters are precious.

  3. So cute. I love the smile in Catie's face.
