Friday, September 14, 2012

What the Girls Wore #81

I love when Catie is interested in her sister.  Here she is checking out how little and cute Baby Eden is.

Funny faces, wearing a super cute animal sleeper.

All dressed up for church, I'm pretty sure with this outfit I permanently damaged her brain.  Apparently the headband was a little tight and she still had a dent an hour after I took it off.  Had she complained I would have removed it but she seemed just fine.  Oops.
I loved her squashy cheeks and I had a spot of drool on my shoulder when I finally moved her.  These are the moments that remind us why babies are worth it :)

I gave her a bath and her hair naturally got that awesome bump in the back, I'm slightly concerned for what it means for her hair later on.

Again, checking out her sister.  Catie likes when she can see Eden's eyes and she laughs every time she sneezes.

This week we reached Catie's third birthday.  I tried to make it a special but low key day and I think I was successful.  We started the day with corn pops for breakfast and a movie.

Then cousin Bryn came over to play and they had a tea party on Catie's brand new table and chairs.

They hate hot dogs, chips and juice for lunch and then we sang and had cupcakes.  Dinner was pancakes and more cupcakes and candles.

I can't get over what a delight this lady is.  I was really nervous how she'd react to a second baby and she could not have handled it any better.  Every day I'm frustrated with Eden and so grateful for my helpful Catie.  She loves her sister and is so gentle with her (though she doesn't like her stinky diapers).  She tells me multiple times a day that she loves me and is so patient with me.  I love watching her learn new things (like her first gymnastics class) and she's so excited to see and play with her Daddy every day.  She entertains herself when I need her too and she still takes a 1 1/2 hour nap a day.  She loves treats just like her Mommy and is ridiculous with the list of foods she won't eat.  Every day she says something new that makes me laugh and I can't wait to see how she grows up this year.

Lastly, she's still obsessed with the sparkly white sweater of Eden's in a size 18 months.  It's not supposed to be 3/4 sleeve but she just loves it and wears it often.

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