Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What the Girls Wore #98

This girl is growing up so fast!  She's at a really fun age and preschool starts in just a couple weeks, I can't wait.  She's going to have such a great time!

The girl's cousin Emma came to visit.  She's 5 weeks older than Eden so it's always fun to see them together.

My fabulous one year old.

This girl loves to walk.  She struts her stuff across the room and then triumphantly falls into my arms and is so proud of herself.

These next pictures are something else.  Catie's cousins came over and I curled both Gwen and Bryn's hair and it looked super cute.  Catie looked at them and asked me to curl her hair too, which we know is completely unnecessary.  I suggested instead that we straighten her hair and she was okay with that.  Now I wanted to be extra sure that I didn't burn her so I didn't go very close to the roots and the end result is kind of terrifying.  I couldn't stand it for too long and later put it in a ponytail, but here for the first time is Catie with straight hair.

We went to the park the other day and the most amazing thing happened, Eden didn't try to put every rock into her mouth.  There were definitely a couple that needed to be removed but most of the time was just spent playing.  She put rocks into my hands and then took them out, and then onto a curb and then off a curb.  It was magical!

New pajamas, so cute!

Just another day at Calaway Park

Free flying at the park

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