Monday, November 4, 2013

Hand Warmers

I have a lovely friend on a mission for the LDS church in Winnipeg, Canada. Now if you know anything about Winnipeg you know that it's real cold.  I wanted to send her a package and one of the things I added was some adorable hand warmers.

I looked up on Pinterest and found these super cute Owl ones from Repeat Crafter.  She even gives you a template to print and use so if you want to make some you should go over there.

I wanted to include some for Becca's roommate too so I also made these little hearts.  They're filled with rice so before you leave the house you  pop them in the microwave for 30 seconds and then tuck them in your gloves for some toasty hands.

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  1. What a cute idea!! We don't get much cold weather here but when we do most of us think we are freezing..hehe!! These would be cute Christmas gifts. THank you for being my muse for today!!


  2. Oh my goodness, these are SOO adorable ! And, you're Canadian, eh? Ontario right here neighbour! Going to look through your blog some more so far so good :D Happy Trails
