Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What Catie Wore Wednesday #4

The start of this week saw the end of our cabin vacation.  There was some swimming and lots of lazing about.


Today involved more swimming at the lake and wearing this cute floating boat
Pink Ballerina Swimming Suit - Old Navy
Blow up Boat - Kijiji, well worth the $5

Blue Polka Dot Shirt - Children's Place
Jeans - Old Navy

Here's where it started to get colder

Purple Flower Hoodie - Walmart
Jeans - Old Navy
Pink Crocks - No idea

This day was so cold we decided to go home early.

White Onsie - Carter's
Long sleeve waffle onsie - Old Navy
Pink Hoodie - Roots
Jeans - Old Navy
Pink Crocks

(She's all wet because I looked away for a second while she was drinking from a cup.  She stopped drinking but I kept tilting... oops)


Tan Sweater - Mexx Kids
Blue Corduroy skirt - Baby Gap
Brown Mary Jane's - Walmart

And then she put her raincoat on that her Aunt Jenn gave her.

And here's where we ran out of laundry.  Have I mentioned our washing machine was broken?  I like the shirt but not a fan of the tights, even though they came together.

Shirt and tights - Walmart


And then my friend Janaya came to the rescue loaning Catie some clothes at such a perfect time.  We were able to put off the laundromat until the new washer came.

Jeans - Esprit
Cute as a Daisy T - Superstore

She carried those jeans around for a good while

We went for a walk later and it was chilly so we added a slong sleeve white onsie and a vest from Superstore.  The vest makes her look a little like a marshmallow and I've never really understood the point of vests, if it's cold enough for something this puffy and warm wouldn't you think you want sleeves?

Shoes from Walmart

There you have it, another week of Catie.


  1. Yuur daughter is so cute! Her outfits are adorable too! I can't wait until I can dress a baby. All the cute outfits just waiting for me, I mean the baby =]

    But where are your outfits?

    Just Better Together

  2. My outfits are very boring and after a week I had nothing left to show. Perhaps in the fall when my wardrobe opens up again I'll post another week of me.

  3. I'm glad the raincoat still fits, and her head fits in it now :)
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't understand vests. Mom got Joey a bunch when he was a baby, and they were cute, but I could never figure out when he could ever wear them.
