Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Catie Wore Wednesday #13

Sorry but this week I forgot to take a bunch of photos.  We were out of town and I got distracted so this is all you get.  I'll try harder next week.

White Long Sleeve Onesie - Carters
Grey Sweater - H&M
Embroidered Jeans - Esprit

I thought this photo was too cute to leave out.


Sweater - Mexx
Navy Skirt - Gap
Cream Tights - Sears
Brown Shoes - Walmart

Brad went to visit where he used to work and Catie helped out.

Striped T - Old Navy
Jeans - Old Navy

She's also wearing her Halloween costume here
Lab Coat - Made by Me
Stethoscope - borrowed from Rihannon


I could not get motivated to do anything today, including put real clothes on Catie.  She spent the entire day in her sleeper from sears.


White Long Sleeve Onesie - Carters
Ruffle Shirt - Please Mum (I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a dress but it's ridiculously short so she's wearing it as a shirt instead)
Skinny Leg Jeans - Children's Place


  1. Just stoppin' by from WIWW. What a stylin' little cuttie! Teach em to shop young is what I say.
