Monday, March 28, 2011

Jenn's Stroller

Remember the stroller/car seat combo I bought for my sister back in July?  The one for $15 that the cat had kittens in (still so gross), the stroller just waiting to be re-covered?  Well the worst happened and my sister miscarried.  We were all so sad about it that the stroller went into my parents basement out of site.  I'm happy to report that not only is my sister expecting again but she's having a girl, her first after 3 boys.  To say we're excited is an understatement and Mom and I went and found some adorable pink fabric, no gender neutral here. 

Today we're going to look at the stroller and tomorrow you can see the car seat.

Here's the finished stroller and a reminder of what I started with.
I can't really tell you how gross this stroller was with a very pink kitty birth stain over most of the cushion.  I threw it in the wash and then Proxi'ed it multiple times and was really surprised just how clean it came.  I didn't think I'd be able to use any of the batting but it all came clean enough to use except a little bit of binding that I could easily replace with bias tape.  

Once the cushion was clean I started in on the sunshade.  I had decided to keep all of the browny-beige fabric but it all felt so dirty I wanted to wash every scrap of fabric, it's a good thing I had decided that because it turns out the fabric was all one big piece so it all had to come off anyway.  Once I took off a very large pile of screws I was left with this.
I washed everything, replaced the ugly, faded plaid with the new flowers and then re-attached it all.  The cushion took a lot more time with a ton of unpicking but as usual the end result was worth the trouble (sorry there's no photo of the cushion on it's own).

This project came together surprisingly easy with very few problems, just the way I like them to go.

Here are a bunch more photos just because it's so beautiful.

So come back tomorrow, see the other half.

Linking To Monday - C.R.A.F.T., Making The World Cuter, Polly Want a Crafter, Simpsonized Crafts, Sugar Bee Crafts, Sumo's Sweet Stuff, The Girl Creative   Tuesday - All Things Related, Creative Itch, Domestically Speaking, Ladybug BlessingsSassy Sites, Today's Creative Blog, This & That, Topsy Turvy    Wednesday - Blue Cricket Design, Me and My Bucket   Thursday - A Glimpse Inside House of Hepworth, It's Sew Stinkin Cute, Somewhat Simple, The Train to Crazy, What Allie's Making Now   Friday - Creation Corner, Finding Fabulous, Tatertots & Jello


  1. It came out great! I never would have thought it looked the way it did before, I just love it!!

  2. Wow that looks like alot of work but fantastic fabric and it looks awsome. Like brand new now. And tell your sister congratuations!

  3. Looks super cute! I can't believe you touched the gross kitty fabric. I hope you were wearing gloves ;)

  4. Aww I love the fabric you chose! So happy for your family!!

  5. You should tell people that you get the proxy at Alberta Broom and Cleaning in Lethbridge.

  6. Hi I am your new follower/s. Would like it if you could follow back. I love crafts and sewing too. Karima

    I found your link from blue cricket design.

  7. I found your blog through DIY and i love the way you did this. You need a tutorial. And I'm glad to hear that they are having a baby girl that must be so exciting. Hey if you interested I am hosting a giveaway for a skirt on my blog and would love it if you stopped by!


  8. OH MY GOSH!!!! This is amazing! I host a party every Thursday (DIY Thrifty Thursday) and this is EXACTLY the type of project I would LOVE to have linked up! And your car seat cover too and any other great ideas you have. :) What a great way to re-purpose an item!
    Hope to see you at DIY Thrifty Thursday! :)


    Awesome job, LOVE IT!!!

  10. I love your fabric combo and the stroller looks great!

  11. Turned out SO wonderful!! You did a great job!

  12. A-MA-ZING! Great work, it couldn't have turned out any better! I hope you'll come by my blog sometime,

  13. Were any of the strollers you re-did Graco? I want to redo mine but I can't figure out how to get the canopy out of the hinge...any tips?

  14. I've re-covered a couple Graco's but I'm not sure what you mean by the hinge.
    Usually the sun shade is attached with a couple screws. Sometimes they sort of clip into place as well. You should send me a picture and maybe I can help.

  15. Thanks for such a fast reply. Any help you can offer would be much appreciated. I'll send you a picture right now.

  16. I am SO impressed! This looks so good. I don't think I would ever be brave enough to take a stroller apart and expect myself to be able to sew it all back together again! Nice work!

  17. WOW! you did such a great job! I took my Graco stroller apart to wash all the fabric parts as well as an older Evenflo (to wash) but never thought of recovering! It looks SO good!

  18. Super cute! I just might try a carseat recover, now that I've seen your blog.

    I have a thing about dirty carseats, especially since they are so easy to clean! I once volunteered to babysit so I could wash his carseat while his parents were away.

    Another sidenote: I love, love, love the Aura travel system. Simply the best out there. :)

  19. Hi there! This is beautiful! I'm planning to re-cover my Sit N Stand, but don't know what fabric to use. Did you use regular cotton or upholstery fabric?

  20. Do you think this is something a beginning sewer could accomplish? I'm so scared to start taking off the fabric on my stroller! Is there a tutorial??
    You did an amazing job!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. how did you get it all taking apart I have one and would love to do something like this to mine

  23. Amber - They're all unique but usually a sqrew driver is necessary. Sometimes sheer force helps :) Try to examine it closely and I bet you'll figure out how to remove the fabric.

  24. I read your other post and it wouldn't let me comment on it. I want to re-do my cover but I am a little nervous. first years ignite stroller review

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I really liked this Car Seat Stroller Combos
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    Have a look: Best Car Seat Stroller Combos For Your Family 2018

  27. Excuse me can I just ask if this is for dolls aswell if it pls let know
