Friday, June 10, 2011

Simiple Serendipity Winner

I know that technically I was supposed to end the SimpleSerendipity giveaway yesterday but since I had a post ready I bumped it to today, no harm done hey?

I used a random number generator and guess who won?


I liked her comment, she said, "Those earrings are just what I'm looking for to jazz up my entirely lame work wardrobe! I'm so tired of plain gray trousers and neutral blouses."

So Janine, there's uh, a Canada Post strike on.  How about I get my butt in gear, finish your quilled letter and then we can get together and skip the shipping.  Sound good?

And for those of you that didn't win, you should go buy something, here's one more picture of the loveliness you can find.

These are the Simple Marie Blue earrings, happy shopping.


  1. I have those earrings on right now and I love them!!

  2. Yay! I'm so excited! Let me know when's a good time to get together!
