Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What Catie Wore Wednesday #74

Sorry, not many photos this week but the few I have are pretty cute.

I can't remember if I bought this skirt for her just before or just after she was born.  It was on sale and I fell in love with it but a 4 was the smallest size they had so I bought it and I've just been hanging onto it.  Finally, it fits and it's just as cute on her as it was on the hanger.

We found this hat for her and handed it to her so she would try it on but she adamantly insisted that it was too big and wouldn't try it on.  We wheeled our shopping cart over to a mirror where we showed her just how cute it was and she's loved it ever since.  I love the way her hair curls around the bottom and this hat has already saved her from a sunburn once this summer so I'm real happy we bought it.

Reading a book on her own on Sunday morning while wearing her Yellow Dress. Her hair looks all adorable and curly hey?  Too bad she rolled around on the bench so much and rubbed her head against Daddy so much that by the time Sacrament meeting was over she may as well have just gotten up from a nap.  I guess I need to stick to the pig tails.

Sunday afternoon we enjoyed the beautiful weather and went on a picnic to the park after church.  She's in love with the swings and will sit for 20 minutes, happy to be pushed.

She asks to, "Go Fast!"

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