Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Chaise Upholstery

Well this chair was my first job that was for what can only be called a client. It sounds a little silly to me to say but it was too arms reach to call them a friend. They brought me the chair and the fabric and I got right to work. Here are the before's.

It was fine but dirty and torn and in definite need of updates.

 I took all the fabric off

And then started putting it back on.

Here's the back on

And the finished chair.

A side view. The chaise has legs but the client didn't bring them to me so I popped my couch legs on for some pictures.

and everyone likes a good side by side.

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  1. that looks really good! I wish I could do that but I don't think i'd be any good at it haha. Great job, thanks for sharing.

  2. Great job. I hope I find the guts to tackle something like that some day.

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