Monday, October 31, 2011

Little Orphan Annie

This year I really wanted to make Catie a great Halloween costume so I spent a lot of time thinking about it.  I had a list of requirements I wanted the costume to meet.
  1. I wanted the costume to be something she recognized.
  2. I didn't want it to be a full body like a lion with a big headpiece.
  3. I wanted it to be something she wouldn't mind wearing.
That's a pretty hefty list and as much as I thought I couldn't come up with anything close.  I ended up settling on The Queen, not an ancient Queen but a modern one.  I made her a beautiful cloak and a crown (which I'll show you at a later date), I was also going to make her a sash and she'd wear a fancy dress.  It was going to be really cute only she'd keep her crown on for 3 seconds and her cloak for 5 minutes.  I was discouraged and knew Halloween was going to be a disappointment.

Then one day we randomly watched the movie Annie and Catie loved it!  We've watched it many times since and she still gets upset whenever Annie isn't on the screen.  So last week I ditched the cloak and traded it in for some red, white and black fabric and I couldn't be more pleased with the results.

  Sorry but no tutorial, we made it up as we went along.  We used a sweater and a dress to come up with our pattern.  She cried every time I measured her or tried pieces on and we were shocked when the collar and the sleeves turned out so well.  I lined the bodice and there's a zipper in the back.  It's hard to tell in the photo but I sprayed her hair red, she cried the whole time but the results were worth it.

She looked in the mirror and said "Annie".  Just exactly what I wanted to happen.  
I have a cute heart shaped gold necklace she'll wear too but this photo was taken in Utah and the necklace is at home so you'll have to imagine it.

For those of you that don't remember what Annie looked like let me remind you.
 Hopefully this will set the standard for following years and I'm excited to see people's responses to my Little Orphan Annie.

Linking To Monday - C.R.A.F.T., Making The World Cuter, Polly Want a Crafter, Simpsonized Crafts, Sugar Bee Crafts, Sumo's Sweet Stuff, The Girl Creative   Tuesday - All Things Related, Creative Itch, Domestically Speaking, It's Sew for YouLadybug BlessingsSassy Sites, Today's Creative Blog, This & That, Topsy Turvy    Wednesday - Blue Cricket Design, Me and My Bucket   Thursday - A Glimpse Inside House of Hepworth, It's Sew Stinkin Cute, Lemon Tree Creations Somewhat Simple, The Train to Crazy, What Allie's Making Now   Friday - Creation Corner, Finding Fabulous, Tatertots & Jello, The CrEaTiVe CraTe