Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What Catie Wore Wednesday #57

Allright, here I am.  I know this blog has been so ridiculous lately, nothing but What Catie Wore and even I'm sick of it.  I apologize.  So here's what I'm going to do.  Starting Monday I commit to two full weeks (weekdays only) of posts.  A full 10 new posts.  That used to be no big deal for me but lately it's been tough so hopefully this will kick start my creativity and the new stuff will continue.

For today though I'll stick with the usual What Catie Wore.  This week Catie and I headed down to Utah to visit my sister and we had a great time.

She loves to spin in the office chair.

She very carefully placed Mr. Brown in the swing and then layed down, held onto his food and put her thumb in.

This was one of the many stops we made on the drive down there.  In the past she hasn't been a very good traveller so I was really worried but somewhere along the line she turned into the most amazing car rider.  She didn't cry once in the 15 hour drive.
Though she did spend some of the drive like this.

Catie throwing rocks with her cousins Gage and Brenden

We went to a pumpkin patch and they had hay mazes (Catie with Grandma and Joey)

And a huge pit of dried corn

I know this picture doesn't even show Catie but one day she'd been a little too quiet for too long.  Then she came downstairs and she had glitter on her hands.  Not a good sign.  We went to investigate and found 5 ish bottles of Martha Stewart glitter dumped on the floor.  The floor, Grandma's clothes and bag were very pretty.

You've already seen her Halloween costume but she went Trick or Treating at the mall with the butterfly Bryn and Princess Gwen.  We were lucky and the very first stall gave out suckers, it was the perfect teaching candy.

And today we were finally home all day and we stayed in pajamas and relaxed. 

Check back next week for some fun new projects.  Thanks for sticking with me.

1 comment:

  1. Catie is adorable, as always :) And a girl after my own heart with the glitter!

    Hope you're having a great weekend!
