Friday, February 29, 2008

Standing For Something

My angry letter is in the mail, I refuse to say nothing.

535-7th Avenue SW
Calgary AB T2P 0Y4

To Whom It May Concern:

After a long day at work my husband and I were looking forward to a quiet, relaxing night at home. We turned on the TV and were utterly shocked by what we saw.

We happened to flip past your station at 9:30 and came across a TV program named, The Girls Next Door. We did not watch for long because we were appalled at the blatant female nudity we saw. It was only 9:30 at night. That type of programming is not appropriate as any age group could be watching. We would expect such shows on a cable channel but yours is a channel easily accessible by anyone.

As taken from your website, “Each of our television stations telecasts the flavour of the community: the serious commentary, the passionate oration, the opinion, the celebrations, the unpredictability. This is the essence of CityTV's open, inclusive, accessible style of broadcasting.”

The flavour of our community is not pornography, though I will give you credit for being unpredictable.

“CityTV, owned by Rogers, is a family of television stations that strive to enrich and celebrate the communities we serve.”

In no way does this type of programming enrich our communities and I think it’s an outrage.

“With stations in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Winnipeg, CityTV is proud to be a part of your community.”

With programs such as this Calgary is not proud to have you as part or our community.


Laura Wiebe

(I realize it's not a literary masterpiece, it was quickly written but it gets the job done)