Monday, June 1, 2009

How High the Moon

Not too long ago Brad and I had an opportunity to see Sarah Slean in concert and it was one of our favorites. Everything about the show was perfect, we were amazed at how incredible she sounds live and we were entranced the entire show.

When we hear she was coming back again so soon we jumped at the chance to go. The concert was wonderful, her personality was vibrant, she was fun and her voice was clear and beautiful as usual. The music selection was lovely and the concert was very casual with just her and a piano. She sang a little Madonna, Leonard Cohen and even some Dolly Parton, yet something about his concert was slightly less magical for me.

It could have been the lack of any sort of backing band, maybe it was the location or perhaps it was the constant pain in my ribs from this growing baby. Maybe my expectations were too high or it could be that the second time just isn't the same as seeing her for the first time. Whatever the reason I'm still glad we went but I had been looking forward to the amazed wonder I felt the first time.

I was lucky enough to meet up with my electronic friends and immensely enjoyed conversing with them in real life. As we were leaving Jenny said, "Nice to meet you!" And it seemed like the oddest statement, I'd forgotten that this was the first meeting for us. I look forward to lots of face time in Lethbridge and spending real time together.