Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The fix was free and we appreciated the service.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Well this morning our car made some funny noises but we brushed it off until later this afternoon when the power steering quit working! It seems so strange that it happened so close to the last repair and makes me more than a little suspicious. To top it all off, wouldn't you know it but our warranty expired earlier this month. Grr
The House the Fire Built
New Music
Generally it leads to me finding out a new album release date that I can start looking forward to. Today the band I thought of was one of my favorites, Mae. Turns out they've decided to dedicate themselves to helping good causes so every month they're releasing a new song on their website. You can purchase the song and all the proceeds go to charity. I appreciate their efforts, look forward to new music and am so sad I miss two songs already. To prevent that from happending again I've added the song to my blog, hopefully the one song doesn't get super annoying. We'll see how it goes.
I hope you enjoy Mae.
Tips are Welcome
I thought my jeans were so tight because they were fresh from the wash… turns out that's not the case, they're just tight.
I've implemented the elastic, thanks for the tip pregnant friends, it's making them bearable.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
To solve my boredom problem I went and got a new library card and have really enjoyed my time reading at lunch but it often seems that when you solve one problems another comes along though.
I'm no longer bored at lunch but now I have to find books at the library, a daunting task. Usually I have at least one ore two specific books I'm interested in and then as filler I'll scan the shelves around that author and see what else jumps out at me. This plan usually works just fine but there's just one hang-up… I'll pick up a book that looks interesting and start to read the synopsis on the back. I get about half way through and then I feel guilty, like I’m cheating and spoiling the book so I stop reading, take the book home and then realize as I start that I have no idea what the book is about.
This method has resulted in me reading some really random books that I wou

As an example, I'm currently working on The Olive Readers by Christine Aziz and although I'm enjoying it, it's not at all what I expected.
I need to somehow convince myself that it's okay to read the synopsis, they don't give away the book, really.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
14 Weeks and Our Own Personal Doppler

Our doctor happened to mention that you can buy your own Doppler's these days. Out of curiosity I looked it up and you can buy them for as little as $50, so in a short three weeks we can expect our very own Doppler to show up in the mail… I’M KIDDING! No Doppler was purchased nor will be. Who needs that? Though I'll admit a recording would be fun.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Late to the Party
Well today I was sick of seeing the video and not understanding or thinking I'll watch it later.
The video is just so much more awesome than I could have imagined. I think it's the music that really pushes it over the top but if you haven't watched it yet you should, because it's awesome.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Bladder Control
Makes me miss my old building where I sat just outside of the bathroom.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Pregnancy Brain
It was my Mother-in-law’s birthday so that means we all get together for dinner and plans are made through a mass email chain. The plans were set for Monday (yesterday) and we were excited.
Sunday my Father-in-law calls to confirm that I’m making a cake for dessert… what? A cake? This is definitely the first I’ve heard of it and I must not have got that email. Brad knew about it but said he forgot to mention it. It’s okay, Father-in-law has a back-up and I’m off the hook.
The thought of this cake keeps coming back though and I keep wondering how I missed the email, so I double check… I definitely did get the email and I’m certain I even read it; the cake part just went in one ear and out the other. Didn’t sound familiar and I made no initial plans, that’s definitely not like me.
Then today, I’m working on a project and later in the morning I try to confirm some details, only the person I confirm with has no idea what I’m talking about. It’s not their project at all and despite me clearly remembering talking to her about it, it really wasn’t her.
I need to pull myself together, this is getting embarrassing.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
So I'm heading to the vending machine.
Pregnancy craving or Thursday craving… you decide.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
What a tragic discovery. And to top it off they're both working really lousy hours until April.
Baby Boy
Taken with a grain of salt, since it's so early I did have to make up the important answers. Like, are you carrying high or low? Is the baby's heart rate over 140 or under 140 bpm.
I could answer the questions like do you eat the heel of the loaf of bread and which direction does your pillow face.
The baby exhaustion means that there will be no celebration to mark the occasion, you'll have to celebrate in your own homes tonight.
Enjoy the day!
Friday, March 6, 2009
iPod Hero
There was the one where my Sister-in-law was pregnant from some random guy, the one where I stood up to the iPod thief (at camp) and the one where I became a pop superstar (right!). I even had one where I had an awful growth on my hand.
I've never been a big dreamer and I usually can't remember them so it's been really odd to remember them in such detail. I've heard that some women dream more vividly during pregnancy and it definitely seems to be the case for me.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I've found I'm surprisingly awkward about it. I thought when March 1st came I'd be quick to spread the news, but that just hasn't been the case.
Some people have opened the conversation so I can smoothly fit it in but for most I've awkwardly and suddenly blurted it out.
So blog friends, I blurt… I'm pregnant!
I'm due September 17th so I'm just shy of 2 months along. To quote a friend of mine, "Now you start talking in weeks and none of us understand you anymore." So I'm' going to try to refer to my time in months.
We're so excited for this new phase of life and can't wait to see the changes that come.
It may be wrong but one of my first thoughts was, "What does this mean for my blog?" I don't want to suddenly shift to a Mommy blog since I think I'll lose half my readers. As a solution I've started a second blog that is dedicated to Baby Wiebe. This site will include all of my baby related thoughts while my current blog will remain as is. Feel free to visit both sites if you're interested, it's okay if you're not.
I can't guarantee I'll keep both blogs, one day they'll probably combine but for now I think it's a good plan.
So blog friends and strangers, celebrate with us and head over to Baby Wiebe.
I've added some links to some Mommy blogs I read and also some baby products I love, I'm sure both these lists will increase as I get further along.
One way this blog differs from Laura Thoughts is you may get the occasional post from Brad as well.
I hope you enjoy sharing this experience with us.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
This One's for Jenny
On your recommendation I just finished The Book of Lights and read The Chosen not too long ago. While I enjoyed both books I have to admit I was surprised by them. Your impression of them was so strong that I expected to feel more passionate towards them. Until the last 5 pages of The Book of Lights (where I cried) I wasn't really sure how I felt about it. I wondered if you would share your impressions of them, you said that, "It will change your life. Or, in the words of A.S., it will start your life" and I definitely didn't feel that much pull from them.
Book of Lights did made me think about the history of the world and uselessness and cruelty of war and I feel like I know more about the routines of Judaism than ever before but other than that I don't think it's a book I would pick up and read again.
I'm definitely open to more reading suggestions though.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tip of the Day
- So you'd be impressed with my brilliance; and
- So you could use this tip if the need ever arises.
What do you do if someone has written on your dry/erase board with a permanent marker. Or today's slight variation, what happens if someone writes on your fridge with a permanent marker.
The obvious remedies probably come to mind, rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover but I promise nothing works as well as mine.
Take a regular dry/erase marker, scribble over the permanent marker until it's completely covered and then just wipe it all away. You're thinking that silly, it doesn't make sense, the dry/erase will wipe off and the other will stay but you're wrong. They both wipe away cleanly with no elbow grease.
Enjoy, share, marvel.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Starting to Sink In
I'm looking forward to then end of this first trimester, my poor house needs some attention but I just have no energy to take care of it.
The evening for the first practice came along and we ended up having to miss as we had a big family gathering to go to. We weren't worried though, we'd just go the next week. Until a family gather was planned for the following week as well. We both really wanted to participate in the choir though so we figured we'd just leave the gathering to go the practice and once it was done we'd go back. Practice starts at 6:45, we'll be back by 8 ish we figure.
So we get to practice and there are lots of people there and lots of them have water bottles, seems pretty hard core for the hour or so I was expecting… until I notice the folder of music. There's LOTS of it, and then the girl next to me mentions that the previous week they practiced until 9:00… with no breaks. And then we find out that some of the practices are on Saturdays not Sundays and this thing is HARD CORE!
We tried to discreetly slip out early to return to our evening plans, the conductor looks at Brad and says, "Where are you going?" (she's kidding though, not being rude).
So we've reevaluated our dedication to this choir now that we really know what we're getting in to. We've decided we're still interested though so this week we have some catching up to do and from here on out we're committed.
One other thing we discovered… our singing voices are both out of shape and man our breath control is lousy.