Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Make-up Magnet Board

We all know with craft blogs that original ideas are often hard to come by, we find ideas we love and make them our own but we didn't come up with the idea ourselves.  I feel like I've finally done something original here and I'm excited about it.

I'll show you the finished product and then explain.  

Behold my Make-up Magnet Board.

I have a friend who is beautiful and stylish and has always loved make-up but recently took a course that intensified her love.  Her renewed interest has worn off on me and it made me remember eye shadows I'd hidden away that were gathering dust.  I pulled them all out and was shocked at just how many I had.  My old make-up organization/storage consists of a basket that sits on my bathroom counter, I put all my hair stuff and make-up stuff in the basket and used maybe 3 shadows in my daily rotation.  With the addition of my pile of eye shadows it now looked like this.
The basket was a mess and I was overwhelmed with all my choices never knowing what to use, digging through to see what I had and find what I wanted was a pain.  I needed a way to display them all and my brilliant mother and I came up with this idea.

I started by making a magnet board, (nothing original here), I used this super ugly frame I found at Salvation Army.

I painted it (The hard way, with a brush instead of spray paint.  I look forward to spring when the weather lets me spray paint again.) and then glazed it.

I went to the hardware store and picked up some metal and had them cut it to fit inside my frame.  Then I used spray adhesive to stick some fabric to the metal.  I put it all back together and it looked like this.
Here comes the brilliant part though.

Here's the stash of eye shadows we're talking about (I've even added a couple since this picture).

I went to the dollar store and picked up a bunch of magnets and hot glued one to the back of each shadow (I actually needed 3 magnets for my bronzer).  I considered using a stronger glue but when the makeup is empty I want to be able to peel the magnet off, hot glue lets me do that and it's held up really well.

Next I wanted a place to store my brushes and liners though.  An orange pill container with some oil rubbed bronze spray paint made it beautiful and 3 extra strong magnets glued on the back holds nice and secure.

Now it hangs in my bathroom wall and every morning I'm excited to play with my different make-up.  It feels sort of like art and an expression of me.  

I thought tomorrow I'd do a little feature of how I use some of this make-up and talk about my favorite products so come back and check it out.

Linking To
Monday The DIY Showoff, C.R.A.F.T., Making The World Cuter, Polly Want a Crafter, Simpsonized Crafts, Sugar Bee Crafts, Sumo's Sweet Stuff, The Girl Creative   Tuesday - All Things Related, Creative Itch, Domestically Speaking, Ladybug BlessingsSassy Sites, Today's Creative Blog, This & That, Topsy Turvy    Wednesday - Blue Cricket Design, Me and My Bucket   Thursday - A Glimpse Inside House of Hepworth, It's Sew Stinkin Cute, Somewhat Simple, The Train to Crazy, What Allie's Making Now   Friday - A Craft a Day, Creation Corner, Finding Fabulous, Tatertots & Jello


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Unknown said...

looks good! i'm wanting to make something similar for jewelry.

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

You are darn right that you've made something truly unique. That is absolutely brilliant!!! I'm slapping my self in the forehead a la ICouldaHadaV8 moment. Pure genius!

Humble Homemaker said...

Great project! And I think you are right about it being unique. I haven't seen anything else like it. Very cool idea. :) Thanks for sharing!

Mitz said...

I just love this! It truly is art, and makes everything so easy to see and choose from. I only wish my collection allowed me to make one. So cute, I love it! :)

Sharon@thisthriftyhouse said...

Laura!!! What a fantastic idea!! You truly are brilliant!

Tammy @ she wears flowers said...

This is a great idea!!!

Cheryl said...

This really is a brilliant idea. I am going to do this... So Home depot will cut the metal for you??

Life Without Whiteout said...

Might have to try this!

Laura said...

I got my metal at Totem and the guy cut it with tin snips so you may have to be lucky and get a nice guy.

Jessica said...

Great Idea! Found you at all thingz related!

Lindy@Itsy Bitsy Paper said...

Ok, brilliant idea! I use a three tier spice holder for all of my eyeshadows but this would be way more fun! :)

Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

I love this! I'm going to be featuring it on my blog next week!



Anonymous said...

you're genius!

Jen said...

SO much fun =)!!!

Jaclyn said...

Oh my, I LOVE this!!! I might have to make one of my own!

aggieam01 said...

This is an incredible idea. I have to make one of these for the ridiculous amounts of lip gloss stashed in a messy makeup drawer!

Anonymous said...


michelle's 10 things said...

Great idea. And I have never seen it before. I love magnets. I stopped by from The Thrifty Home.

Jenn @ Peas and Crayons said...

I'm obsessed with how awesome this is! girls everywhere are going to flip out over this project!!!! GENIUS!!!!!!!!!

Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

The Fall Creek Chicken Coop said...

This is fantastic! I just found a magnet board in the shape of a dress on clearance and now I have something to use it for!!! thank you for sharing!!!!!

Jayna Rae said...

Really, really cool idea. Sadly there is not enough room on there for my makeup. It is soooo beautiful though.

Michelle H said...

I love this and I love that it's original! I wear hardly any makeup, but it'd make such a cute gift! Love it.

Dawn said...

Great idea, I'm sure you feel great about coming up with the idea also. Ingenious! Thanks for sharing:)

The Adolf Family Five said...

Fabulous Genius!!! This is just what I need for my wonderful teenage daughter...who takes over the bathroom counter daily with her makeup...which upsets her two brothers to no end! It will give her a terrifically easy way to store her makeup, and keep the counters clear!!! Thank you!!! Now...to go lay out her makeup so I can judge how large of a frame I need...

Karen T said...

I really love this idea! It's a great way to play with some of the makeup that's tucked away in the cabinet or drawer. Awesome!

La-Dee-da crafter said...

This is definitely one of a kind. Wow, so great. I bet it looks cute on your wall too!!!!

Anonymous said...

Totally genius idea! LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely going to use this idea. Thank you so much for sharing! Your blog is great. Heather @ 500dollarwedding.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

This is genius!! Such a fantastic idea!! Thanks for sharing!!

Unknown said...

This is awesome! How fun and creative!

Rosebuds and Ladybugs said...

OMG! This is such a great idea! This would save me so much time in the mornings! lol I am now a follower! I would love for you to come link this up! LOVE IT!

Emily said...

Love it! What a fab idea. I'm going to have to make one of these asap!

Jane @ Jane's Junk and Treasures said...

OK I love that!!!!
How fun!!!

Bella @ Bella before and after said...

LOL, you are so funny, and I hate to bring it to you, I so did that already,,, NOT,,, you are fabulous girl. Just brilliant, it's pure genius I love it.

I;m going to feature it on my facebook page girl,,, and please consider adding me to your weekly party list, I'd LOVE if you shared at my place too **Amaze me August **

Also, come say HI anytime girl, I'd love you to see my new haircut, I did it myself, or about my LUCKY GOLD FOUR LEAF CLOVER, and how my parents came to America.
Hugs, Bella :)

Andi said...

Wow...this is soo cool!! I love how it's practical, pretty, and a work of art. I would totally be trying to make different pictures with my make up, like smiley faces :-) I'm here by way of HoH...love your blog! I'm now a follower!

Tammy @ she wears flowers said...

Linking up to this today! Please stop by and grab a featured button! ;)

Anonymous said...

I think this is spectacular!!! Nice job...I may be stealing your idea for my own make up mess in my bathroom.
Thanks for sharing.

Cristy said...

I love this idea! Much better than digging through a dark make-up bag! Brilliant! And a great homemade gift for teenage niece & pre-teen daughter! Great idea! Thank you!

Unknown said...

This is such a fun and useful idea - I totally want to do that! And great idea about peeling off the magnets to re-use - that's what I was wondering about... and the cups to hold mascara and pencils... brilliant! Thanks for sharing!

AllieMakes! said...

You are a genius. PURE GENIUS! Fantastic job! Thank you for sharing this idea!
Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!

Maki said...

absolutely genius! i'm now following you on twitter! check out my blog at www.makaleka73.blogspot.com

Katie said...

Uh, yeah. I. LOVE. THIS! I want to make one, right now!

Sarah said...

Such a clever, original idea! thanks so much for sharing. This is going in my bookmarks for sure.

Unknown said...

Thanks for linking this up!!! I LOVE it! I am def going to make one of these bad boys. I will be featuring you sometime next week!

Seriously. love. this. thing!


Rachel // Maybe Matilda said...

That's so clever! I love this idea.

Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

7Hollie11 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chris said...

This is so clever! What a great way to make your makeup accessible and pretty at the same time.

Deidre said...

I love this! Great job on the craft challenge! However, don't forget to add the button.

The Autocrat: Haley said...

You are a GENIUS! Looks fabulous too!

Sommer said...

Laura you are absolutely right! Original ideas are hard to come by and this one is BRILLIANT! You are so talented! I'd love to have you share this at my VIP party today @ http://designergarden.blogspot.com/2011/03/vip-party-7.html

Unknown said...

Wow. Very cool. I've got this on my to do list now!

mesew said...

OMG!!!!Love IT! Thank You Thank you thank you!!!!!

Pamma said...

You are right! Truly an original useable idea!
Way to go.

Michelle @ Delicate Construction said...

YOU are a smart cookie! This is fabulous! Visiting from Paisley Passions and I am a new follower!
Hope you have a great weekend!

Allison {A Glimpse Inside} said...

This is a fabulous idea! Thanks so much for linking this up as well.

LP aka A Crafty Southern Chick said...

You have every right to be excited--I haven't seen anything like it, and I think it is super smart and super chic! Now I want to make one!!! I'll be sharing this idea on my FB fanpage :)

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

What a great idea!! Incredible! I'm a new follower and featured it on my blog today,

Anonymous said...

I had to tweet about this! You are a genius!!!

Isela said...

I like this idea so much! i can't waitto try it out myself... thanks for sharing...

Jessica said...

Wow - that is awesome. I think I've found my next project! Thanks for sharing!

madison avenue said...

this is so awesome!! im really going to make one! now my bathroom wont be so cluttered anymore! haha thanks for sharing!

Mandys Creative Corner said...

Coolest idea EVER!!!


Royanna said...


Lolly Jane said...

oh my word! how CLEVER!!! my little guy is constantly pulling my makeup out of my bag- this would be a great solution to keep it out of reach ;)

we'd love for you to link up w/ us this weekend!

Sheena said...

I love this...it would be perfect for my teenager! I may have to do this one!

Jenn Erickson said...

Absolutely brilliant, original, and beautiful! So glad I saw your link=up at "Anything Related".

Melissa said...

That is so a great idea! Thanks for the support over at Tuesday Tell All.

Amy said...

My 17 year old would love this! What. A great idea!

Theresa @ Just Call Me "T" said...

WOW! That really is unique and creative. I love it! :D I doubt my hubs will be thrilled with me doing this in our bathroom, but my soon to be teen daughter may love this for her (I can throw some of my stuff on her's right?! lol). Thanks for sharing!!

( I found you through TGC's Just Something I whipped Up linky and am now a follower too. I'd love for you to visit my blog-- newbie here! Thanks- http://just-call-me-t.blogspot.com/ )

Liz said...

Awesome!! Great idea.

Lesley said...

Egad. Best thing I've ever seen in my life!

Kat's Purrfect Boutique said...

This is so clever. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

So smart!

Cindy said...

Totally awesome and yes, ORIGINAL idea! thanks for sharing :)

Maria-Isabel @ Agape Love Designs said...

wow, that is a brilliant idea!!! I LOVE it.. I have so much makeup I just keep in a bag... and some of them hardly get used.. cause I never see them! I love this way of displaying it all! :)
It looks so pretty too. This is so awesome! :)
New follower btw.

B E C K Y said...

You may be the smartest person in the crafting world! This is brilliant! :)

Becky @ R.P

Unknown said...

I love it so much, I can't wait to make one!!!

Lina - Fancy Frugal Life said...

Holy moly! This is genius! Looooove it and neeeeeed it!

The Single Nester said...

Outrageously awesome! However, with my stash of makeup, which you can read about on my blog, the whole wall would come down if I tried this.

Lynda Hardy said...

Wow, that is totally awesome!!

LisaMarie said...

Wow what a great idea!! I love this! it came out great and never had seen anything like it before!!!

meenalu said...

hi! question: if you go on a trip and want to take makeup with you do all the magnets stick together?

Laura said...

I've gone a way a couple weekends since I glued all the magnets on. I take the makeup I want and throw it in my bag and they really don't stick together. They haven't been inconvenient at all.

Andrea Hall said...

i love it!

Unknown said...

Oh man this is genius, need to make this, maybe I'll make it, then post to my blog and track it back to you this is sooo neat! following you!! Christina

Amy @ http://findinmyowntruth.blogspot.com/ said...

This is so cool. I have to make time to create this. I am so excited to make this. I just have to make some space on my dresser to set this up.
I am starting a blog too. Its http://findinmyowntruth.blogspot.com/ and after I have made a version of it I will post it and link you in.
What an amazing original idea!

Tiffany said...

I saw your feature on Sumo's Sweet Stuff. This is a fantastic idea!
This would be a great way to add a little fun decor into my boring bathroom and have all my beloved eyeshadows easily accessible instead of thrown in my broken down makeup bag!

Our Seven Dwarfs said...

This is a great idea especially if you have the wall space! Now your makeup doesn't take up valuable counter space!

Jill of oursevendwarfs.com

Kayla Moncur said...

This is freaking brilliant. Thanks for sharing!

Freckles in April | a modest fashion and lifestyle blog

Rhonda said...

OK, this seriously just made my day!! I have the perfect spot in my tiny bathroom and I have got to do this!!!

Katie P said...

This is so cool! I just love it!

Britany said...

Okay, so I know you have some awesome comments on here, and I have nothing new to add but I just have to say AWESOME PROJECT! I am totally gonna do this in my bathroom! I totally agree, one of my biggest fear sin starting a craft blog was my lack of original ideas. Way to go on one of your own! Good work, keep 'em coming!

Unknown said...

Wow! That is fantastic. I've really got to make one (and maybe start wearing a bit of make-up again!).

WobiSobi said...

I guess you know by now that this is absolutely the greatest thing EVER!!!!! WOW I have to make one of these so brillant.. Following you:)Hugs, Anne

Kitty B said...

Awesome idea!!! Absolutely love it!

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Sweet!!I totally love it. And you're right so ORIGINAL. I'm going to do this. And what a great idea for a gift for a teen just getting into makeup!

I have a metal bulletin board now that I am going to transform into this. I'll give you credit when I do it and post it.

Unknown said...

I BEYOND love this idea.
I know what you mean by the "original idea" thing. THIS IS SO ORIGINAL AND COOL! You need to patent it ASAP!

Anonymous said...

Laaaaaaaaaaaaura :D I did mine with ducky material to go in my bathroom :D

Laura said...

BOOOOO, I want to see your board but your blog address isn't on your profile so I can't find your blog.

Amy @ http://findinmyowntruth.blogspot.com/ said...

I love this so much! I made one for myself today and posted pictures on my blog. here is the link: http://findinmyowntruth.blogspot.com/2011/03/wednesday-project.html
thank you so much for this post, I love it!

Lizzy Mac said...

This is one of my most favorite things I've seen recently. I'm going to make me one!

Unknown said...

WOWZA, I'm going to be featuring this in my make & share second edition. This is really too cute!!!

Feel free to stop by and link up to my Make & Share 1st edition Fridays if you like.
~ Christy


I just saw your post about this last week. It is a really genius idea. I blogged about it. Thanks for sharing it with us.


Halley said...

this is fantastic! Thank you for sharing. I'm going to go do this myself!

Anonymous said...

I am IN LOVE with this idea! I'm gonna feature it tomorrow on my Friday Favorites over at ourtaylormadehome.com. Come by and say hello!

Tara said...

Just came across this and I have got to see that is a genius idea! I am definitely going to have to book mark this for later.

a!k0 said...

I love this idea :D I actually found your post from another blog and I am so glad ^^ I think it would get anyone excited to look at hanging make up :D



Moonlilly said...

Ok, this is GENIUS!!! Oh the ideas this has spawned in my head... Especially in my daycare classroom ;) Thanks for sharing!!

Stacie said...

I LOVE IT!!! What an AWESOME IDEA!! Great JoB!! Thanks so much for sharing!

BTW...I featured it here:


Thanks again! :)

ThePaintedPisces said...

Wow, this is really really awesome! I don't use makeup too often, and my bathroom/vanity area is tiny at the moment, but I envision a smaller sized version of this in my future home, or above my dresser. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! Can't wait to whip one up myself!! Very Creative!!!

Heather - Dollarstorecrafts.com said...

This is awesome. I am posting about this at Decor Hacks in a few days. I found it via Shelterness...

The link to Decor Hacks will be: http://www.shelterness.com/diy-make-up-magnet-board - I think it's going up on the 19th.

Anonymous said...

Whaouuu!!I like, very good idea!
Put next to a storage Earring tulle...

*katie said...

Absolutely BRILLIANT!!

jessica // union shore said...

this is such a great idea!! i might have to make one of my own!

ps: i'm featuring it on my blog today! :-)

Karima said...

I Love this idea, thanks for sharing, Karima

Jenny said...

But you get free lipstick for returning your empties, at MAC now you have magnets on them

Laura said...

That's why I only used hot glue, the magnets are very easy to pull off.

Ashleigh said...

I just found this on Pinterest (http://pinterest.com/pin/25693757/) and I am TOTALLY making one of these!! My mom just got a ton of really nice makeup for me and I was so excited but so bummed because I knew it would get shoved in a drawer and I would just continue to use the few that I always use.. but now that won't happen! Thank you!!

Unknown said...

Yes thank you for your inspiration!..as you can see I did mine a little smaller..but I LOVE it!

Being Creative to Keep My Sanity said...

This is pretty much the most awesome thing I have ever seen. Nice job!

Anonymous said...

This is amazing! I totally want to make one of these! Perfect for keeping your make up visible and (in my own personal experience of little brothers)and if hung on a wall, out of little hands.

Caroline said...

That is absolutely brilliant. I am SOOOOO doing that. Maybe then I would actually take the time to do my makeup every once and a while. ;) Thanks!

(PS - found your blog through childmade.com)

Angela said...

is great, I think it could be a fantastic gift!

idesign said...

this is hands down the most original and genius thing i've seen in bloggy world! just letting you know now i WILL be stealing this idea immediately! you just solved a major problem in my life! lol i'm a new follower based in this :D

GlitterMamma said...

I actually saw this done a few years ago for Bare Escentuals but yours is much prettier! The ones I saw they had just attached large sheets of steel (or something like that they got at a home improvement store) to the wall. It was very industrial looking. Not that there is anything wrong with that but I could actually see the one you made in my house. Awesome job!

Unknown said...

I love this I am going to share this and make one!

SiSi Sparkles said...

This is AMAZING!

Carrol said...

It would be great inside a bathroom cupboard door if you didn't want to see it all the time.

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful and inspires me to make something like this! Love it :)

Lizscraps said...

this is super unique -- love it.

PhotoMommy said...

I love this idea. Im SO going to make this!! I will post a link to your page from my blog!! Im so glad I found your blog, I cant wait to look through and see what other ideas you have!!

Mary Lou said...

You and your mom are absolutely brilliant! I love this idea and can't wait to show it to my daughter. We could both use something like that. It's not only pretty and practical but how nice to be able to see everying like that at once!

5 stars for this one! *****

Laurel Santiago said...

That's an amazing idea! Now I'm going to want to magnetize everything in the house.

Jess said...

May I ask where you got your metal... I've been looking into doing this because I love it but I don't know where to find the metal especially for a reasonable price.
Please help! :)

Jillians31life said...

As soon as I saw this I headed to hobby lobby to get supplies! Had my brother inlaw cut the metal and I love it! I posted a pic earlier today on my Fb and I amg getting lots of likes and comments, I sent the ones wanting to know how to do it here!

Anne Marie said...

Now that you have magnets on everything, you could ditch your old, unorganized makeup travel bag and get a cute vintage lunchbox...makeup board on the go!

Molly said...

So brilliant!!!!! It's exactly what I needed.

Eden said...

So great I had to add it to my "Favorite Organizing Products and Decluttering Tips" list on SkinnyScoop. Now I need to dig through your blog and add more of your tips. You are brilliant.


Heidi said...

Where did you get the supplies? My dollar store didn't have the magnets, and Sierra's wants 7 dollars for a 12 by 12 sheet of metal! Home Depot wants 9 for a 12 by 24, but they won't cut it. What are your frugal secrets?

Anonymous said...

Best idea ever. I need to do this.

Tisha said...

this is genius! imma try one!

Eleonora Boiserie & C. said...

nice project easy & chic! I would like to re-blog your post... with your link on my blog: I really love your idea!

Kaiya said...

LOVE It! I totally followed your tut and made one! I love how it turned out I already had bought some metal so I just used it and then still have to make or get some type of a frame for it! Thanks for posting! Here's mine: http://www.flickr.com/photos/scheuermans/5935799211/in/photostream

EsteeDarla said...

OMG I love this ideal and really to top it how you was using the pill bottles I can't wait to make one tomorrow.thanks for sharing a great brilliant ideal with us.

Maddie said...

How simple! How awesome! I bet this idea can be used for a million things! Thanks for sharing.

Isaac's Family said...

love love love love love!!!! fanTASTIC idea!

Autumn said...

Genius, girl. LOVE it.

Shorey Alys said...

I love this!! New follower!

Krystal D'Souza said...

Hi Laura! I love this idea! If you don't mind, I'd like to take you picture and put it on my blog http://krystalxdsouza.blogspot.com/ under 'things im loving right now!'
This is genius!

Angie in AZ said...


Alycia said...

amazing!! i would totally make this if we had a larger bathroom, but this is on my to-do list! thanks for such an inventive tutorial :)

esha87 said...

Thanks for sharing this amazing make up board.
Really nice post.
Cosmetics Products

Missus D said...


Susana said...

What a wonderfully creative idea! Just had to share your post on my Facebook page (www.facebook.com/downsizeandgetorganized) for all those ladies who just toss their make-up in a drawer!

Alia :) said...


Alia :) said...


Anonymous said...

Love this. I'd actually come across your blog before and loved it the first time around, then one of my non-makeup obsessed friends emailed me your link, which I thought was funny, so I had to comment :) Great, great idea!

Jenina.Marie said...

I LOVE THIS!!! I'm going to do this project & my husband will thank you since we are always vying for space in the bathroom!

Thanks for posting!

like.thunder said...

i am seriously making this tonight. thank you!

Meg Baxter said...

Yup - gotta make it!

SymbioticLife said...

This is beyond fabulous. Thanks so much for sharing it!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome idea!! Made it yesterday, looks fab in my bathroom and hubby is happy to have the counter top clear :-)

Jenn said...

This is awesome!! Thanks for sharing!

Mariana said...

Wow this is great!
But that fear gives huh?

I loved it, I can do this feat!?


Phleurdillee said...

This is a Great Idea for makeup hoarding fools like me! I have baskets overflowing of makeup. Spilling over everywhere. We both know I don't put ALL of it on my face at one time. The other day I actually put together a look that really suited me-eye shadow- wise, and thought-If I can just remember to keep this together for the next time... You've given me an awesome idea!!! I am also a Stampin' Up Demonstrator. I do/sell/teach/create all things Paper Crafting. This inspires me for craft storage as well! I'll post you what I come up with !!! TFS! Gonna add your link to my facebook page now! Ladies, if your interested in
Rubber Stamping, Craft Supplies, Card Making, Scrapbooking, Id love to see what ideas you have for Storage Solutions! Please check me out! I'd love to give you a discount and help you in any way:) Thanks!
http://allisonkeller.stampinup. net

Phleurdillee said...

This is a Great Idea for makeup hoarding fools like me! I have baskets overflowing of makeup. Spilling over everywhere. We both know I don't put ALL of it on my face at one time. The other day I actually put together a look that really suited me-eye shadow- wise, and thought-If I can just remember to keep this together for the next time... You've given me an awesome idea!!! I am also a Stampin' Up Demonstrator. I do/sell/teach/create all things Paper Crafting. This inspires me for craft storage as well! I'll post you what I come up with !!! TFS! Gonna add your link to my facebook page now! Ladies, if your interested in Rubber Stamping, credit supplies, card making, scrapbooking, please check me out! I'd love to give you a discount and help you in anyway:) Thanks!
http://allisonkeller.stampinup. net

Eclectic Belle, Janelle said...

Your work was the inspiration:
Magnetic Doggie Station: www.everydaybrillianceinspired.blogspot.com , come check it out at Everyday Brilliance

CraftyBird said...

Brilliant! pretty and organised I love it!

Anonymous said...


Sarah said...

I think this may be my favorite DIY idea of all time! I am so making one of these ASAP. My husband will be so happy to see the eyeshadow collection off the countertop. THANK YOU for posting this!!!

Priscila said...

Love this! Check out our magnet board that was inspired by yours!

Anonymous said...

Love this blog, keep up the great work wish you all the best.....
privately selling your home

A Hunter's Wife said...

I love this idea! I'm hoping my fiance will help me put something like this together! You should sell these on Etsy!!!

Unknown said...

This is brilliant!

Tairalyn said...

Love this... going to be doing a feature post on Little Miss Mama later on this weekend and thought I would let you know I'm going to include this into it. I just love this idea.

I will no doubt have it directly linked to you Blog. Dont worry!

Im your newest follower...



Peter said...

Brilliant idea. i love it. My girlfriend has a magnetic jewelry
shop. I think, if it´s ok, that I will publish a short summary of the idea in dutch.



Unknown said...

Such a great idea! My best friend has so much make-up and I've been looking for a great way to organize her stuff as a gift! Thanks so much!!

Melanie @ Addicted to Homes said...

This is amazing. Absolutely amazing. You are a genius! Can't wait to make one for myself!

elmundodececilia said...

una idea genial....sobre todo para mi,que tengo todas las pinturas amontonadas.....asi me pintae mas.....jejeje.......mil gracias

te invito a conocerme

(pinturera de abanicos)

Unknown said...

It is like art. I am exactly the same, tons of colors, none of which I use because they are tucked away. This is so perfect! Pinning it right away!

AnJayla said...
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AnJayla said...

I made one for my Bare Minerals! I just used a cookie sheet and spray painted it. I drilled holes, put a ribbon through and glued magnets on my make up!! I love it. Thank you!

Melinda said...

This is a great idea! I think it would make a really awesome gift for your sister, best friend, or bridesmaid. You could make one up, include a cup for brushes, and supply some extra magnets. If you were feeling especially nice, you could toss in a lip gloss or two. I like this idea so much that I've reposted on my blog at http://poshpurpose.blogspot.com!


Melinda said...

This is a great idea! I think it would make a really awesome gift for your sister, best friend, or bridesmaid. You could make one up, include a cup for brushes, and supply some extra magnets. If you were feeling especially nice, you could toss in a lip gloss or two. I like this idea so much that I've reposted on my blog at http://poshpurpose.blogspot.com!


мσитѕєяgιяℓ ❥ said...

How creative=D I absolutly LOVE this!!!! Wicked idea=)

AnJayla said...

Here is the link to see the make up board I made. Thanks for the inspiration!

Erindanielle said...

I love this!!! I actually had an idea about 6 months ago to make something like this for all my polishes in the salon but soon realized probally not the best idea incase one came off and busted on the floor beneath! Im totally making this for my massive shadow collection though! Kudos!

Jami said...

I finished mine up today!!! way to go on being truly original!!! :D I added add a link to come over to see the original post :D... feel free to grab a button!


Such a great idea! :D

Nik said...

What a great idea!
Here's mine. :)


Now I want to make a wall sized one! haha. Thanks!

Labix said...

ONE BIG PROBLEM with this idea. Makeup contains a metal called Titanium Dioxide, so when I put the magnets under the makeup, the composition of the makeup actually changed. It went from a powdering substance to something much harsher because the magnet cause the titanium dioxide to separate from the other ingredients.

Juliet said...

Fantastic! Thanks for sharing! I use the frame idea for my jewelry... but magnets and makeup... Brilliant! Thanks again and great job!

Heather said...

I loved this idea so much! I put my own spin on it and copied you. See my blog! (And of course I credited you for the brilliant idea.) Thanks!


Unknown said...

I've been seeing these for months all over Pinterest.. love your take on it (covering it with fabric), very fun.

Unknown said...

lol ooo got ur comment. I didn't know!! hee hee I looked at the dates and pressume.. my bad. I do love yours though, never seen it in fabric. I didn't mean nay offense by saying your take on it. I just notice the date and I ordered one of these off of etsy last yr for Christmas for a friend.. I dont use enough make up.. lol to even consider making one of these.. but I do love them for other purposes.

danielle hatfield said...

LOVE this! Can't wait to try and free up some drawer space. ;)

Grace said...

I have got to make one of these, my bathroom in my apartment at college is tiny and this would give me SO much more room! Great idea!


Natcheznate said...

I am so going to make me one of these....Elizabeth Arden has the greatest holiday gift collection special going on right now...so I have a great stash of stuff to glue magnets on...brushes too...thanks for sharing this

Jessica said...

Will this work if you use the board that is in the frame and paint it with magnetic paint? I love this but I don't know if I have a hardware store that will cut a sheet of metal for me. :)

FlybabyInMaine said...

I am so going to do this tomorrow! I am going to use an old cookie sheet and paint though! I have magnetic tape to use too! Great thing is that my 7yr old son got into my make up recently and used it on the sink and counter, so this will give me a way to store the make up OUT but UP to high for him to reach AHH HAA!

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